How to register for events?

Enter the event you wish to join in order to view its full description and click on the blue “Register” button on the right side of the page.

Fill in the required date if needed (will already be filled by the event’s default) and the number of attendees you wish to sign with you.

Fill in your e-mail address (please use a real one, as it is needed in order to send in the booking confirmation) and a nickname/your first name.

Leave the checkbox checked if you wish to fill other attendees’ information with yours. If not, un-check it and fill in their e-mails and names (useful if you wish the other attendees to also receive all the info to their personal e-mail accounts.

Click “Submit” – currently, payment in advance is not available.

Check your e-mail for full location and contact details!

See you soon. 😉